Thursday, January 17, 2008

Last Day of the Treasure Hunt. More Great Prizes!

Well, folks, it's Day 3 of the Treasure Hunt. A number of you have already taken home some nice prizes and there are more today. So keep on Plinging for Treasure!

Among today's prizes, a 1GB iPod Shuffle and gift cards to iTunes and StubHub. It's 11AM now and an iTunes gift card will be in play within a half hour, so tune up your iPling profiles with tags that describe you and might also be appropriate to someone with an iTunes card to give away. Start plinging people with matching tags. Pling the mystery prize giver and YOU WIN!

Good luck. We'll be providing updates throughout the day here on the blog.


Anonymous said...

Any clues for the tags of the day?!

Virginia said...

Think of tags that reflect your interests and match the prize or prizes you're interested in. For instance, if you're a Green Day fan, that would be a great tag for an iTunes gift card.